Wednesday 25 January 2012

January 25: The League of Nations was founded (1919)

The League of Nations

The League of Nations was the first international organization whose mission was to maintain world peace. It was founded after the First World War as a result of Paris Peace Conference and was headquartered in Geneva. There are 42 founding members and 24 members were remained until the dissolution of the League in 1946. The United States never joined the League. When it was the largest, there were 58 member states. The League tried to disarm around the world and intervene international conflicts, but the League did not have armed forces and it became its critical limitation. The League kept failing to deal with international conflicts and it eventually became dissolved in 1946. After the Second World War, the United Nations took over its role and the principal allies became the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Though the League of Nations was idealistic but it had done many activities promoting human rights and peace around the world and many of these sub-organizations were absorbed by the United Nations.

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